
Chartering complexity made simple


The VESSELINDEX® index calculator empowers users to efficiently compare and benchmark any dry bulk or tanker vessel.

The VESSELINDEX® interface is designed for user-friendliness and incorporates numerous valuable features that streamline day-to-day chartering tasks. These include the "list functionality," which permits the storage of multiple vessels, and the "forward module," allowing users to input their preferred fuel prices and market levels, ultimately saving valuable time.

As a distinctive feature, VESSELINDEX® also provides immediate due diligence guidance concerning vessel speed and consumption.

Sale & Purchase

VESSELINDEX® S&P calculator enables users to obtain instant Value Guidance(VG) on the intrinsic value for any given dry bulk or tanker vessel.

Further the VESSELINDEX® S&P calculator provides options to make specific Project Value Assessments (PVA) with a large range of custom options, to make comparison of S&P projects easy and quick.

All project assessments are on NPV/IRR basis.

Common for both market value guidance and project assessment are the report tools that allow the user to get structured decision support documentation with the click of a button.

Portfolio Management

A wide range of independent bespoke services in relation to the management of a dry bulk vessel portfolio.

We support our clients all the way when investing in shipping assets or managing an existing portfolio.

Our focus is on structured overview of the income potential and cost profile. Every detail matters!


VESSELINDEX®️ emission tools helps you assess and manage the economic impact of EEXI and CII regulations.

With VESSELINDEX® - EEXI tool users can:
  •  - calculate commercial EEXI impact on time charter (TCE) earnings.
  • - obtain guidance on maximum operational speed.
  • - calculate EEXI to establish IMO compliance of any vessel.

With VESSELINDEX® - CII tool users can:
  • - simulate CII ratings at multiple speeds
  • - simulate CII ratings with custom operational profiles
  • - obtain guidance speed to comply with CII requirements

Performance Report

The VESSELINDEX®️ Performance Report compares and ranks performance in an apple-to-apple format.

Get tangible insights as to how value is created by the listed dry bulk companies.

  • - TCE performance relating to fleet earning potential, size and age.  
  • - Overall performance rankings and segment specific TCE rankings.
  • - Ranking on chartering performance of listed dry bulk companies.
  • - Reporting transparency on TCE’s (Time Charter Equivalents).

Speed Indicator

The VESSELINDEX®️ Speed Indicator is a tangible waypoint on the firmness of the balance between demand and supply in the dry bulk industry.

It indirectly measures the latent capacity in the market (i.e. supply of dry bulk tonnage and/or transportation work).
It provides an aggregated view on the optimum operation speed under the prevailing freight & fuel market conditions.

Ship owners, analysts and other stakeholders will get a tangible idea on how slow "slow steaming" is.
Speed Indicator

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